Great book for Mommies that have children with allergies/MFPI

I was reading my regular "living without" email. By the way, if you do not get the "Living without" magazine yet, you should. It's great! They also send out regular emails with helpful tips and great info and food for those who are "living without". You can find info on them HERE. In any event, I got an email from them talking about a great book, that I somehow had never stumbled upon. "Whats eating your child" by:Kelly Dorfman. I immediately went to my amazon page, and purchased one. Everyone needs this book. Especially those who are new to this style of eating. For just over $10 I got myself a new one, knowing I would read it a million times, finding new insight and ideas with every read. Totally worth $10 or even $15 in my opinion. Most barnes and noble bookstores have it, and it's cover cost is 13.99, so all in all not too shabby. Check it out! As always, if you ever have questions or comments feel free to leave them in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. I borrowed this from the library and found it to be helpful. Thanks for the recommendation!
