Recipe Winners!!!!

Ok, so... it has taken us a bit longer to narrow down the recipes we loved most for our 2 weeks of recipes... We are happy to announce the winners, and congratulate them on their incredible ability to make something yummy, out of practically nothing! We know our food lifestyle isn't an easy one, but our "food free" community is making it's little place, and loving it!

Congratulations to Anatolia Gargruten on her So Delicious coconut milk tropical fruit sticky rice... Not only was it Heavenly, but it was safe, and it doesn't get much better than that!

Congratulations to Lana Millson for her Bobs red mill Allergy free Corn Bread. Tastes like the cornbread your mom used to make for you when you were a kid, and they didn't have the gross store bought allergy laden cornbread mixes.

You ladies are a true rare talent, and we are so glad to give prize packs to such wonderful women in our food free life style!

Keep up the hard work everyone, and stay tuned for our next giveaway!!! For now, stay healthy, and stay safe!
The Allergy Mommy

Week 2 of the Recipe Contest has begun! Bobs Red Mill 4-flour Gluten free Pack to winner!

Week 2 of our recipe challenge has begun,and this week we're focusing on Bobs Red Mill Gluten Free!. Thank you so much to those who submitted recipes for our week of So Delicious! The response was overwhelming, and we are grateful for your enthusiasm! We will be making and testing recipes this week, and a winner for the So Delicious portion will be announced this weekend! 

Today marks the start of week 2 in our Allergy free recipe contest. Each recipe will need to be submitted by email to with the subject line "recipe".
Each submission needs to comply with the following rules:

Submitter must "Like" Bobs Red Mill on Facebook
Become a follower of
Recipe must be submitted by Monday April 8th at 11:59pm MST
Needs to include your full name, email (only to be used if you win to contact you)
The recipe must be:
  1. Gluten/wheat Free
  2. Egg Free
  3. Dairy Free (casein & lactose)
  4. Soy Free

During our 2 week of the recipe challenge we will focus on the use of Bobs Red Mill GF flours! products! This week of Bobs Red Mill will run from Today (Tuesday April 2nd) through Monday (April 8th) night at 11:59pm MST. Any submissions received after the close on Monday, will not be accepted in to be a part of this weeks challenge. Bobs Red Mill has been so wonderful to give us a gift pack of four Gluten Free Flours that will be awarded to this weeks recipe winner. So, get to cooking & baking... The winner of the Bobs Red Mill portion of the contest will be announced and contacted within 1 week of the close, after recipes have been tried and found true!  If your recipe does will, but has not complied with the rules stated above, we reserve the right to disqualify your entry, and decide an alternate winner. Last to be noted, but very important, please do not "steal" or copy someone elses recipe, this needs to be your own. We respect the intellectual property of others, and expect you to as well. Big shout out for Bobs Red Mill! Now, get to cooking!